WOD 030209

Deadlift 1-1-1-1-1-1-1

If you're a non-Crossfitter, this looks like a pretty easy workout, right?  Heck, 7 reps?  
However, if you've ever pulled a maximal effort deadlift before, the taxation on the central nervous system is extreme. You'll need 2-3 minutes rest between exercises (that's a LOT of rest for a Crossfitter!) and you'll be exhausted by the end.  Does your workout address the CNS via force recruitment, explosive exercises, or technical movement?

This is Brad Gillingham.  That's 1100lbs.  You may be thinking, "Oh, my back!"  But the deadlift isn't done with your back.  The point of the deadlift is to train your hips and hamstrings to work together to erect the spine under load.  It also has a profound effect on hip extension, which is great for runners.  Powerlifters, by the way, have a low incidence of back injury compared to those who sit at a desk for a living.

A couple of our lifters, including Sebastien Wetzel, will be competing here Friday March 13 in our full Virtualmeet powerlifting meet.
On June 6, Catalyst Fitness will present the first annual NCC Strongman Event as part of the Northern Ontario Bodybuilding Championships.  Get ready for some good truck pull action downtown!