Five rounds, each for time of:
20 Pull-ups
30 Push-ups
40 Sit-ups
50 Squats
Rest precisely three minutes between each round.
Our Online Tracker is in final testing – want to sign up? Post comments below!
Yesterday, between two Crossfit groups (Noon and 7pm, both downtown) we had 8 different women deadlift over 200lbs EACH! Crista W. won the day with 235, but there were a few 220lbs lifts in there! Coaches also shone – Whitney had 220 (bodyweight 115lbs,) Angela had 195lbs, and Lisa hit 255lbs! Our womens' record hit 285lbs on the weekend (Anna C.) – who's hitting 300lbs first?
What is the on line tracker? If it’s a way to record and analyze my workouts, I’m interested.
Katherine Fryia
I hit 220, but I will take on the 300 challenge. Aside from practicing them, what are the best ways to improve deadlifts?
Hey Ash – best assistance exercises for Deadlift are:
Good Mornings
Reverse Hyperextension
Hex-Bar DL
…notice all focus on training hip extension, not back extension, and train big groups to move as one.
Thanks Chris!
Hey, check out this FitCast video on O lifts