WOD 071709

930-at-crossfit-invictus-800x600 "Michael"

Run 800m
50 Situps on GHD
50 Back Extensions

Situps are parallel to floor to 90 degrees.  Back extensions are 90 degrees (head down) and up to parallel.  Short reps will not be counted.  800m course is out the large door, around the power pole in front of Catalyst (mandatory – no cutting that corner!) left at the first intersection, and turn around at 3rd line (Yield sign at the corner) and return – again, around the power pole and in through the large door.

Our CrossFit schedule for the weekend:

Friday : 7am, Noon, 7pm at the Park. Coaches: Greg and Hayley.

Saturday: 9am at the Park.  Coach: Miranda.

Sunday: 9am at the Park.  Coach: Jeremy Paquin.

Monday: 7pm at the Park.  Coach: Hayley.