WOD 081509 –

"Techie Showdown" (don't worry, you can DO all this stuff – we'll show you!)

10 double-unders

3 muscle-ups


AMRAP in 10:00

Above: Brent "The Professor" Fryia does HSPU – in rings at the gym on Thursday.  

In a week, Brent and Lisa Proctor are moving to Korea for a year.  We wish them the best. They'll join Brent's brother, Mitch, as teachers.  It's been great to have them here, and we'll welcome them back in 2010.  Thanks, both of you.  You've added an indelible mark to the Catalyst family (and some erasable records to our chalkboard.  Don't stop training.)
Today is also the grand opening of Driven Athletics and Huronia CrossFit, owned by Brent's former college roommate, Alex Jeffrey, and his wife, Joanne.  Great people, and they're sure to be successful. Whitney's there to represent the 705!