On July 3, Mike Watson (Catalyst Head Trainer) will start on an epic journey: 12 CrossFit WODs in 24 hours. He'll work out through the night to raise money for his buddy Mark Hunt – husband, father, kinesiologist – recently diagnosed with Stage IV melanoma. Mark's doing a special treatment in Buffalo to try and save his life.
Noon (Downtown):
100 Grand
In honour of local hero Sarah Grand
Africa Qualifier
500m row
Then 2 rounds of:
20 pullups
20 Thrusters
400m run
20 kb swings
20 box jumps
500m row
4pm: Jackie
50 Thrusters (45lbs)
30 Pullups
6pm: Run/Famers' Walk/Pullup Mayhem
10 pm: 5 Deadlift, 10 burpee x 5
10:30pm: EVERY SECOND COUNTS MOVIE! Bring a lawn chair and a donation to watch the CrossFit documentary!
MIDNIGHT: 5km run! Bring green glowsticks!
3 rounds
12 BW deadlift
21 box jumps
7am: Norcal #1
500m row
30 burpees
10 shoulder to overhead (165/95#)
9am: Kelly (no introduction necessary.)
11am: Josh
21 OHS
42 pullups
15 OHS
30 pullups
18 pullups