Are you ready for the Open?

Danielle started Crossfit last year. Today when I walked in the gym, she had just linked 2 chest to bar pull ups, and PR’d her back squat. Jordan started Crossfit last summer. Now he’s linking muscle-ups and level 1 certified. Liza watched her son do Ignite for a year before jumping into the noon group. Now she’s a regular, and she PR’d her clean and jerk yesterday (she has a great PR dance).
Everyone knows where they started, and how much they’ve changed and improved through Crossfit. There’s a story to Crossfit too. Back in 2007, it wasn’t a huge world-wide competition. It was a weekend on a ranch with 70 athletes. Last year, there were 70,000 competitors from all over the world vying for a chance to get to the Games.
On Saturday, March 2 at 7pm, bring your lawn chair and your favourite pre-game snack to watch “Every Second Counts” on the big screen (err… big door). This is the story of how competitors prepared for the first Crossfit Games in 2008 — how the Crossfit Games got their start. This is your mental pre-game warm up for The Open (March 6!). A relaxing evening with some of your favourite people to get your head into the game and see where it all started, and what you are now all a part of!