In one of the most exciting events so far, teams raced head-to-head against each other, the barbell, and the pullup bar.
Both heats were evenly matched, with most teams finishing within 2:00 of the overall leader. While being first to the pullup bar bestowed a huge advantage, the neither heat winner reached the bar first.
The Adrenaline Junkies had an even pairing with the Mules, but slowly pulled ahead in (mostly) unbroken reps. In the second heat (three teams,) the Sheep started slowly compared with Tanner’s ridiculous pace, but managed to hold their pace and finish on top.
After 7 weeks, the Adrenaline Junkies are on top by 3 points, the Hensons are out, and new faces are joining every week.
Watch for our first BONUS events next weekend while the CrossFit Games take place in Aromas!