We don’t get out much.
We live in Northern Ontario. Our winters are always long, but this last winter was longer. We haven’t had a “great” summer in three years, and this last week has been gorgeous.
While most gyms deplore summer because enrollment drops, I LOVE it because it creates an opportunity for all of us to express our fitness outside the gym.
All winter, we do everything necessary to get stronger, look better and gain endurance. We practice for the real world: our jobs, our hobbies…and sweet, sweet summer.
In the summer, we train outside: we get sun, sweat more and play different games. We run 5ks, we do triathlons and flip tires.
Summer is three months of opportunity to try, to play and to win.
For the second year, the Muddy Moose Charge will provide a very unique opportunity for self-challenge. We’re the official training gym for the Charge (again,) and that lets us help people overcome the biggest obstacle (fear) and finish the race. You can learn more about our OCR training group here.
The BIG challenge, though, is the Catalyst Games. We’ve been running the Catalyst Games since ’07, when a dare turned into a small event. “I wonder if I can deadlift 500lbs, run 2 miles, do 100 pullups and 200 pushups and 300 squats, bench press my weight 20 times and pull a truck…all on the same day?” is now a huge spectacle with over 100 athletes. It’s run well, and it’s an accurate measure of overall fitness.
But I’m most proud of the Games for maintaining the spirit of Catalyst: this stuff is hard, but you can do it anyway.
Every workout is hard. You do them anyway.
Every event we host is hard. You show up anyway.
The Games will be hard. Sign up here.
Finish it or Win it. Choose a goal: to challenge yourself, or to compete with everyone. Do it with friends, or go it alone. But challenge, compete, do and go.
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