Turn The Tide – Heats and Schedule

Turnthetideheats It's upon us.

Less than two weeks after that old epic, FranFest, we're ready to go again. This time, though, no amount of skills practice will help; there's no 'butterfly kip' out on that lawn.  Instead, hard work alone will win the day.

First team kicks off at 10am. Other teams will be watching to gauge the difficulty; Parks Canada staff estimates 220-250 turns. Don't worry: we'll reopen and reclose the valve as much as necessary to accomodate all ten teams.

Not registered yet? Your registration fee MUST be paid before Saturday morning (we won't be accepting payment onsite.) Get it done online here. Unregistered participants will NOT be allowed to participate (sorry.)

Strategy? Anything you like. Go 6-on-the-bar, rotate through team members, pace or race. Up to you, your calluses, and your soul. Just push hard and turn right.