Catalyst GO! Newsletter – July 2009

Summer Hockey Dryland Strength and Conditioning Camp
8 Weeks – July 6 Through August 28
Monday and Thursday Mornings
Two Groups: Midget-Junior and Bantam-Under
$329 (plus gst.)

This is the camp you've always needed!  Get signed up quickly – groups are very close to being filled!  Click here for more info!
It's gotta be June – the gym is full of hockey and football players, CrossFit is packed, and the sleds are out in full force!  Evening CrossFit groups are rockin' parties, and the Strongman equipment is full of good old chalk.  Love it!  The beauty of the Gym continues: every one here is an individual with their own background, their own stories, and their own character.  No need to impress with a fancy "fitness wardrobe" here.  People will know the *real* you VERY quickly.  

Watson is showing HIS true colours July 3 and 4th with his 24-hour Emergency CrossFit marathon.  He'll do 12 CrossFit WODs in 24 hours to raise funds for his buddy, Mark, recently diagnosed with Stage IV melanoma.  Mike didn't tell Mark what he was up to; when Mark saw a post on facebook, he completely broke down.  CrossFit ain't easy, but it sure ain't cancer, either.  You want to help? Show up and train with Mike.  He'll post his WODs of choice and timeline soon. He'll start Friday, July 3 at noon, and end at noon on Saturday the 4th.  Friday night, we'll show "Every Second Counts" – the CrossFit movie – $10 gets you in, and it's all donated to Mark's fund.  $10 to do each WOD with Mike, or use your CrossFit punch card and we'll donate the equivalent value to his fund.  Some are also placing small wagers on their own performance during these workouts……do whatever you feel you have to.  One of the WODs will be '100 Grand,' which was created by Sarah Grand, our own local cancer hero. There's a large contingent carrying Sarah's flag at the Toronto Waterfront Marathon this year – if you'd like to join them, click here for info.
July 18, the coaches (Mike, Tyler, Chris, Whitney, and Kris) will be headed to Moss Park Armoury for the CrossFit Ontario Challenge.  This will be a TOUGH weekend.  To see the competitors they'll be facing, click here.  We won't know the WODs in advance, but there are three of them, and they're all within 6 hours.  Time to Zone up!

Fytness Fanatik the Magazine July 2009 We were exceptionally fortunate to be featured in Fytness Fanatik magazine this month! Click the picture for subscription info!

Our impromptu Zone 30-day challenge went exceptionally well.  Without more than 3 days' notice, over 50 people took up the Zone Challenge for 30 days.  They blogged their experiences on our Tracking Site.  Great information, recipes, and anecdotes were shared, and we ALL furthered our knowledge of performance, weight loss, and insulin control.  Thanks all!

This video had people talking for days and days afterward.  The old myth that it's somehow 'unsafe' for kids to lift weights can officially be declared dead.  Kids 'lift weights' all the time – themselves – and routinely sustain loads up to 3x their own bodyweight when they run, jump onto and off things, fall down, and play.  Are we advocating bodybuilding for 6-year-olds?  Hell no.  We're advocating good coaching with an emphasis on spatial awareness, balance, coordination, and fun.  
Coming up in September: the Catalyst Games.  Our biggest event of the year!  We'll be accepting 60 competitors in 2009.  The events (3) won't be announced until the week before the Games.  This year's categories (Mens' and Womens' division in each):
Fitness Professional
High School

September will also see us launch our new CrossFit OnRamp program.  We'll keep doing our one-day Introduction to CrossFit group through the summer, but in September, we'll be offering a total-immersion, gradual rampup over 12 days.  Perfect for the beginner, it's a pretty amazing process that we're really excited about.  

Enjoy the summer.  Go outside.  Try new stuff.  Get better at the old stuff.  We're happy to help.