This month's newsletter is sponsored by Cafe Natura – best cup of coffee in town! If you're downtown, you owe it to yourself to stop. While you're there, say 'hi!' to Mama Belanger – Muffin Maker Supreme, and Mama of Tyler to boot! Personally, I like the salmon best, but others prefer the Asian Beef.
February's a short month, and we're CRAMMING it full of fun stuff!
For our second year, we're celebrating the new stat holiday – Family Day – with a big kids' party at SSMGC! We've rented the gymnastics club for two hours (12-2pm) on the 16th. Bring your kids, play with them on the trampoline, jumping track, spring floor, and foam pit! Open to kids of Catalyst clients! Last year, this was a RIOT!
Our FLAT-OUT BOOT CAMP continues into February! Starting Feb. 9, you can join the crew for an intense morning workout 3 days per week for 3 weeks. This is the Sault's First and Best Boot-Camp workout ! 9 classes, starting on the 9th, for $99! Easy to remember, simple but effective exercises, lots of laughs, and a great group. If you want to lose fat, this is the best way possible!
February 7, we'll hold our first Olympic Lifting meet. We've held Powerlifting meets in the past, but this is the first time testing our Cleans, Jerks, and Snatches in front of an international judging panel via the internet. No podiums, no pressure, just fun. This just in: we'll be hosting a pre-event Cleans Clinic with Nick Zossimas, OLY lifter and Catalyst Gym member. Clinic starts at 8am, meet starts at 9:30!
February is Heart Month,and Mike's got a program that will improve your cardiovascular health like no other. His new Running Group kicks off February 16, 2009! This is a running-for-fitness group; there's no distance goal attached. A good way to measure off the days until spring! Group runs start at 7pm, and as usual includes a food plan, running 'homework' plan, and Mike's incomparable charm.
Our biggest news in January: finishing (at last!) our new system of measuring fitness in clients: the CAT Scale. No one's ever put this much information about you together, tracked it, and shown you measurable progress every day. You can literally watch yourself improve online whenever you like!
We can't give you the link to the site yet, but you can download our new book about the testing procedure here, and schedule a test date with an elite Personal Trainer here.
Speaking of Trainers, we're very excited to have Lisa Proctor, BSc. joining our elite Team Catalyst! Lisa's been practicing up on kids for the last month (just kidding, but she IS the leader for our Catalyst Kids program, and it's really rocking!) and she's really excelling in the gym herself! She's a teacher, a gymnastics coach, and if you've been on the Catalyst Gym site in the last few weeks, you've seen her in action. Lisa has a degree in kinesiology from the University of Calgary, and she's taking personal training clients starting February 1, as well as taking over the leadership for Flat-Out! Welcome, Lisa!
On a downer, January 31st will be Tiffany's last day (aka Sparkles, the Tiffinatrix, etc) with Catalyst in her current role. We'll miss her; she's a bright light in this industry! Good luck teaching, Tiffarino! On a positive note, Sarah Grand's new blog kicked off at the end of January. Follow Sarah on her incredible journey through cancer. Her original article was one of our most popular of all time; have some kleenex nearby!
Enjoy February. You have 28 days to make yourself better; make sure March 1 sees an improved version of you! Go!