How To Start Exercising

or, “How To Buy A Map.” 
Over the next few weeks, you’re going to hear a lot about “special offers!” and “we’ll waive the signup fees!”
It’s going to be tempting, I know, to make your decision about a gym based on money. But hear me out.
The fitness world is a confusing one. No given ‘program’ works for everyone, and doesn’t work for anyone forever. On the flipside, it seems like anything will work for someone.  The donut diet? It’s out there. It works…if you’re a hypoglycemic amphetamine abuser.  There are maps aplenty. But maps just draw a line in the dirt, don’t they? They’re not great at keeping you on course after the journey begins.  And every map, eventually, becomes outdated…..
The most important thing is that you start. Start with anything. Give it three months. If it doesn’t fit, do something else. But keep starting. Don’t wait for the perfect time, perfect place, perfect price…those are all red herrings. 
Here’s what we offer:
Tough workouts. They’re fast, but they’re hard. It sounds counterintuitive, but it feels like a game.
A learning curve with no end. You’ll never lose interest, I promise you that.
A simple eating plan. If it wasn’t available to great-grandma, you don’t eat it. Simple.
Coaches who love to coach.
The ‘Family.’ Maybe you know one person here; maybe you don’t know anyone. After a day, you’ll know three people. After a week, you’ll know ten. And after a month, they’ll be calling you by a nickname. It’s a great place to be.

Leading your caravan by the light of the wrong star may keep you headed East, O Wise One, but is that enough? Is it okay with you to be another anonymous face in a sea of melancholy? Would you rather learn to enjoy exercise – thrive on it, plan your day around it – or how to distract yourself long enough to put in your time while the dishwasher’s finishing the rinse cycle?

It took us a long time to put our methods together. But if you have a friend at Catalyst, I’ll guarantee that they love it. Ask them.
What’s your first step? Talk to us. We’ll set aside an hour, you’ll come and sit, and we’ll put a plan together. No charge, and no sales pitch. Call 256-1344 to book a free consultation, or click here.
Want to try CrossFit, but don’t know how to do a clean, or a kip, or a handstand? You will. Her name is Whitney, and she’s the Keeper of those secrets. OnRamp is our introduction to CrossFit, and it’s for you.
Want to learn how to lift weights safely, effectively, with grace? Try Barbell Bettys or Fraternity Barbell, for the ladies and (cough) gentlemen, respectively.
We’re coaches. It’s our life work. Most of our clients do Personal Training first, but that’s your choice. Heck, you’re free to just drop in to a CrossFit group and try it. Pick any group, and we’ll show you around. Just let us know you’re coming, that’s all.
This year is yours. 2011 can be a leap-off point for you, whether you’ve never exercised or have kept the same schedule for years. Train with us in privacy, or get very public. Stay in the dark, or make your mark. We’d love to meet you.