Are you more athletic today than you’ve ever been?
We refer to every client at Catalyst as an “athlete” because we’re all training for optimal fitness. “Optimal” will differ, but the pursuit of fitness–like the pursuit of baseball–requires the practice of both skill and intensity.
Exercisers, on the other hand, just want to check “Tuesday” off their list. They’re putting in time. Many of us have been there.
We call you an “athlete” because you’re coached. You’re moving the needle at every workout. When you leave the gym, you’re new and improved: you’re stronger, hungrier or just happier.
We build 10 separate components of fitness. These are always in flux, but moving generally upward over time. When one is taken out of context, it can be frustrating: “My 5k time got better, but I STILL don’t have a 300lb deadlift!”
It happens to me, too. But when you consider the gestalt–the whole as more than the sum of its parts–you’ll see a more athletic human. Without warmup or preparation, I know I can run 10k, deadlift into the 400s or link muscle-ups. I can catch and throw better, scale a wall, stay up all night writing. Individual elements might have been better at one time, but the whole is fitter than it’s ever been. And I love the process even when I don’t have specific performance goals.
You’re going to be doing this for the next 50 years. I hope you’re doing something you love (as I am) instead of just “putting in the miles.” I hope there’s an hour every day when you can stand from your desk, stiff as a board (as I do,) and spend time playing with your friends. I hope you eat like an athlete, sleep like an athlete and think like an athlete, because you are one.
Gestalt [Mirriam-Webster]: something that is made of many parts and yet is somehow more than or different from the combination of its parts; broadly : the general quality or character of something. a structure, arrangement, or pattern of physical, biological, or psychological phenomena so integrated as to constitute a functional unit with properties not derivable by summation of its parts
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