The No-Diet Diet

Karly’s Fuel Up Nutrition (FUN) Challenge is underway, and she’s already getting some interesting feedback.
The first is: “I feel weird that I’m not on a ‘diet’ anymore.”
And: “I can’t believe I feel guilty when I have a bit of sugar. Are you sure it’s okay?”
In this video, Karly reads a text from a participant in the challenge (it’s anonymous, of course.) Then she shares some insight into “diets” in general, and why Keto, calorie-counting and even Paleo don’t work long-term…and even set you BACK.
Karly is a Registered Dietitian, which means her advice is science-based instead of fashion-based. She’s also an incredible motivator and empathetic guide. We’re SO lucky to have her at Catalyst!
(Can’t see the link? Cut and paste this: