The Intramural Open Cometh!

The CrossFit Open is a worldwide CrossFit competition. We do it every year. It’s fun.
At Catalyst, we do the CrossFit Open a bit differently. This is the Catalyst Intramural Open:
First, we’ll select four Captains from among the Catalyst members.
Then we’ll draft every member at Catalyst onto one of four teams.
The Captains’ job is to get you to register for the Open, and experience the benefit of annual group competition. Read more about the benefits here.
This course is a six-week program beginning January 8, at 5:30pm on Mondays.
Each week, we’ll focus on a skill you’ll (probably) see in the Open: double-unders, toes-to-bar, pull-ups, ring dips, etc.
Then we’ll perform a workout from a previous Open, so you can get a taste of what collaborative competition is really like.
Between classes, you’ll be given some basic homework to complete during Open Gym time, or even on your own at home. You can login to this course anytime to watch instructional videos from our coaches and other experts; get nutritional guidance for competition; and earn our Intramural Prep Badge!
Our goals at Catalyst: to educate and inspire. Competition helps with the ‘inspire’ part: the pressure to perform pushes you to train harder; the social boost of dozens of your best friends cheering for you will help you reach a higher plane. Heck, watching your teammates GO is inspiring.
Can we bring that worldwide thrill home? Can we deliver all the fun of competition without causing any anxiety attacks? We think so.
And can we push you to higher levels of fitness doing so? Absolutely.

Intramural Open Prep Course


This course is a six-week program beginning January 8, at 5:30pm on Mondays.
Each week, we’ll focus on a skill you’ll (probably) see in the Open: double-unders, toes-to-bar, pull-ups, ring dips, etc.
Then we’ll perform a workout from a previous Open, so you can get a taste of what collaborative competition is really like.
Between classes, you’ll be given some basic homework to complete during Open Gym time, or even on your own at home. You can login to this course anytime to watch instructional videos from our coaches and other experts; get nutritional guidance for competition; and earn our Intramural Prep Badge!

