Summer Team Training at Catalyst

Dear Coach:
You know your team needs to stay fit in the off-season.
A team that’s fit in September has a huge head start. Athletes who train at Catalyst over the summer are ALWAYS ahead of their teammates…and the opposition.
Catalyst coaches have been training youth athletes and teams since 1996. Our methods are constantly evolving to provide the most effective, safe and fun experience for hockey players. In fact, our coaches are hired as mentors by other gyms around the world. Chris Cooper’s essays on training teens are frequently published in CrossFit JournalIn fact, we remain the ONLY coaches in town with specialized training for kids and teens.
In 2014, we’re consolidating our most popular training packages to help local teams.
A – Onsite Healthy Eating Seminar-Free.
An athlete who is properly fed—not “carb-loaded” or hyper-caffeinated—will perform 30% better. That’s a full period of hockey with more energy and endurance. Sports science means correct eating habits all the time, even on the road. We’re happy to provide free guidance to teams willing to consider a switch to performance eating strategies.
 B – PreConcussion Baseline Testing and Workout – $30 per athlete.
Worried about your kids’ brains? Have their cognitive baseline tested through our program. Each athlete is individually tested and given a baseline score. If they suffer a knock to the head in-season, they’re retested for free. Book an appointment to have the entire team tested, and stay for a free CrossFit Kids workout (included.)
C – Private Group Training at Catalyst – $1080 (up to 12 athletes for 8 weeks!)
Our coaches are athletes who have been thoroughly schooled in appropriate exercises for each developmental stage. Best of all, CrossFit Kids workouts are fun, challenging, and VERY effective for building all ten elements of fitness:


Private group training includes fitness ‘homework’ assignments for athletes to perform at home, and tracking logs for all players to complete (and coaches to check.)

Call 705-256-1344 to book your group for the summer!

2 thoughts on “Summer Team Training at Catalyst”

  1. Hello! I was just wondering if there is any possibility that just one team member can get an onsite healthy eating seminar? It’s me, I would like to advance greatly in hockey and I need a personal trainer and healthy eating habits to do so! Thanks for your time.

    1. Hey Hannah! Anything to help. Do you want to bring a few friends and try a workout, or talk nutrition? We can book whatever will help you best.