Our goals at Catalyst are to educate and inspire. Competition helps with the ‘inspire’ part: the pressure to perform pushes you to train harder; the social boost of dozens of your best friends cheering for you will help you reach a higher plane. Heck, watching your teammates GO is inspiring.
Can we bring that worldwide thrill home? Can we deliver all the fun of competition without causing any anxiety attacks? We think so.
In 2017, we’re going to have four intramural teams competing. And you’re going to be on one of them.
The Four Intramural teams don’t have names yet and the Captains are being selected as we speak.
Our draft will happen between now and next Friday! Then the Captains are free to start recruiting you.
IF they try to recruit you before then, they’ll get a penalty.
Registration for the Open can be done at games.crossfit.com, choose CrossFit Catalyst as your Affiliate. You’ll need a CrossFit Class Membership to have your score “judged”, which you’ll need to submit online after. We’ll have a special 5 Class Open Membership if you need extra classes that month.
Coaches and Green Army members will be ‘drafted’ onto an Intramural team. We want to ensure even distribution of our most competitive athletes.
Following that draft, you’ll be courted by one of our Team Captains to join their team – probably more than one.
+1 Point – Attendance: every member of a team that completes an Open workout at Catalyst each week earns one point. Maximum one point per athlete per workout. This goes for Rx AND Scaled competitors!
+1 Point – Top 3: every male AND female member who places among the Top 3 at Catalyst for each workout (Rx only) gets an extra point for their team.
+5 Points (team) – Spirit: The team with the most noise, pride, and PRESENCE each week will receive 5 bonus points.
+5 Points (bonus) – 6th workout: see below.
In 2017, The Open will have five workouts; we have a BONUS tournament planned, which may take place at any time DURING the five weeks or up until a week after the last.
As usual, you can be tested at any CrossFit Group time on predetermined ‘test days.’ You’ll need a CrossFit Class Membership to participate, and we’ll have a special 5 Class Open Membership if you need extra classes that month. The sixth event will be a freebie for anyone registered on any Intramural team.
We’ll have some random draws each week for prizes, including gear, supplements, and training packages. The top team will also earn a GRAND prize. Details released soon!
Our focus is on FUN. We want participation because it will make you fitter, and it will get you high-fives and you’ll be happy and love life more and glow and stuff.
Register online at the CrossFit Games site, and let’s start this party!
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