Today's Workout: 011614

Clean 1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1 – pause for 3 seconds in the bottom (catch) position.
50 reps for time of:
Scale to burpee/pushup/jumping jack/situp/donkey kick or kick to support
By all accounts, ‘Marguerita’ isn’t a lung-burner; it simply demands consistent movement. Don’t stop, but don’t rush. Make your handstands good ones.
A non-CrossFit exerciser commented yesterday that ‘Marguerita’ looked ‘crazy.’ I responded that, to a CrossFit athlete, it isn’t all that tough. Is it perspective? We’re accustomed to harder workouts than this one. Does that perspective carry over into life?
I frequently find myself sprinting through airports on Sunday evenings. When a plane lands, I check my watch. 20 minutes through Detroit? No problem. Not EASY, but possible ten times out of ten. This perspective–hard vs. impossible–is one of the greatest gifts CrossFit has given me.
Two weeks ago, rowing 100,000m may have seemed impossible. Now it just seems hard. Rowing 2000m seemed hard; now it seems like a recommended warmup. Many will attest that the CrossFit Open seemed impossible in their first year; now it’s just another workout with a little extra hype. Have you signed up yet?