Today's Workout: 031714

Photo by Avery Cooper.
Photo by Avery Cooper.

5 rounds for time of:
7 muscle-ups
21 burpees
Happy St. Patrick’s Day!
We had a great performance yesterday, but I was proudest of our gym’s behaviour before the event. We agreed en masse that we WANTED to be stopped by a coach if our technique got bad. We looked one another in the eye and promised that safety came first. And then we hammered it home.
It takes a LOT of fitness to do 70 reps in 8 minutes with load. What percentage of your friends and family could have lifted those weights for one rep? What percentage would be crying today? That ain’t luck. This is your fitness, friends. Enjoy it.
Use the opportunity today to either get closer to  your first muscle-up; to link more together than ever before; or simply to do them while fatigued. Hit the burpees at 80% speed, and focus on the skill portion.