Today's Workout: 033110

IMG_3984 Who's going to hit our Backwoods Trail first?

WOD: Split Jerk 1-1-1-1-1-1-1

Yesterday, co-op student/smilin' phenom Casey McQueen came in with a goal: deadlift 225lbs.  He got 300 in a yelling-aided lift. 

2010 is 25% over.  A quarter gone.  Are your goals for the year 25% closer?  Are you going to be ready in September?  Are you going to read this and wince?

We don't normally do this, but……it's been an extraordinary week for receiving joy from our members.  Here's a sample:

"This is the first time in four years that I've been pain-free……"

" We
want to say how grateful we are for the respect and dignity that all of you
especially Tim have show to my Dad……"

 "…He was flying and in fact when he came through the finish line- and
out of breath- he looked up at me and said "Catalyst…I was on the
edge all the way down and in fact I was going so fast sometimes that I
closed my eyes.  i was able to hold on though due to the training at

"It was so awesome to see the difference from how
I was playing before I started the Tuesday night program to how I played last

There have been more, but we'd risk taking away the anonymity of the writer by posting them here.  Thanks, guys.  It's our pleasure, believe me.

Winner of a free month membership: Nadia Amaral, for her picture of Sebastien's finish at Murph!