Today's Workout: 110613

Warmup: Musical Medicine Balls
2011 CrossFit Games Regional Workout 6
For time:
Row 20 calories
30 Burpees
45 pound Two-arm dumbbell ground-to-overhead, 40 reps
50 Toes to bar
100 foot Walking lunge with 45lb plate held overhead
150 foot Sprint
What did you think when you saw the title of this workout?
“Game on!” or maybe, “That’s not for me. I’m not competitive.”
If the former, great. Start recording all of your workouts better. You’re motivated by comparison to others.
If the latter, great. Print out the workout and cut off the title. See? Just a workout.
The difference between what we do in a CrossFit competition and what we do every day is CONTEXT. Take yesterday’s WOD, put a worldwide leaderboard and 200,000 of your closest friends’ names around yours, and you’ve got an Open workout. But some find it terribly exciting (me) and some are scared away by the same workout in a different context.
When you see a workout with a scary title, don’t worry: you’ve done worse. 45 thrusters and 45 pull-ups? That doesn’t sound too bad. ‘Fran?’ Instant terror.
The problem may be perspective. As a teenager, if you envision every girl as a potential future wife, you’ll never talk to any; the stakes are too high. You’ll wait for the ‘perfect’ that never comes. When a college student sees their dream job ahead, but doesn’t apply until they’re “ready,” they won’t ever be. And when we, as adults, see an opportunity that might just make life better, we don’t take it because of The Downside, whatever that is.
When you come to a CrossFit group, we don’t give you a choice: you’re doing the workout, scared or not. Ate poorly last night? This will teach you to be prepared. Had too much coffee this morning? Enjoy that feeling. Not competitive? Yes you are. We’re just helping you deal with it better, so when it COUNTS – for the girl, for the job, for the big move – you won’t be quite as scared.
After all, it’s just a conversation; just an application; just a phone call; just a workout.