Today's Workout: 111213

Push Press (from floor) – 15-10-5
Front Squat (from floor) – 15-10-5
Thruster (from floor) – 15-10-5
Run 1000m
50 power cleans (empty bar)
30 ring dips
…for time.
The purpose of the strength work today is to identify weak links. Is your push press weakest at high-rep or low-rep movements? How about your front squat? How do the two compare in weight? What if you’re trying to coordinate both movements at the same time? These are the questions we’ll be answering in CrossFit groups today.
Second, we’re duplicating the metabolic demand of “Jackie” (Sunday’s WOD.) Where “Jackie” requires more knee flexion and extension between the rower and thrusters, today’s workout is hip-dominant (running, power cleans.) Your time should be about the same, or slightly faster. Don’t let your mind get in the way on the power cleans – you CAN hang on, you WILL do five more!
As announced yesterday, Steel City MMA will be moving into a bigger space on December 1! We’re proud of their success, and also excited to expand our program offering before Christmas!
For now, the best thing you can do this month is to sign up for the Catalyst Christmas Gift. Help a local kid who may not have much to celebrate otherwise. Click here for the facebook group!
This Saturday is FranFest. It’s just a workout…that requires you to sign up in advance, shake yourself down a little harder than normal, and have a few minutes of great internal dialogue. Click here to sign up!