Today's Workout: 123013

Clean Pull 3-3-3-3-3-3
15-12-9-6-3 reps for time of:
Chest to bar pull-up
135 pound Clean and jerk
What’s the difference between a clean pull and a deadlift?
The goal of the exercise demands a different setup. While the goal of a clean pull is to set the lifter up for the second pull (a slight redip of the knee,) the deadlift has no such demands. Bar path of a clean is a slight ‘S’ curve: toward the shins, then slightly out and away from the body, and back in for the ‘catch.’ The deadlift is like almost straight, with the hips coming forward to meet the bar.
Grip is also different. A clean grip is a double-overhand, wrists-straight pull. Deadlifting allows for a mixed grip, since there’s no requirement to ‘catch’ the weight at the top.
Bar speed should be maximized from the floor in a deadlift; in a clean, a lifter will often ‘wait’ for the bar to reach the knees.
Hips are the largest difference. Since a deadlift doesn’t require the bar to travel above the waist, torso position can be closer to horizontal without sending the bar away from the body or screwing up a potential catch. This means the hips can be higher and the lifter’s weight pushed further back on the heels, allowing for a longer lever at the femur.
Many CrossFit athletes, being taught first the Olympic lifts, set up for a heavy deadlift as they would for a clean pull: hips low, shins coming forward, torso near vertical. This is not optimal for a heavy pull, but IS best to improve your clean.