WOD 121709

IMG_3821  Squat clean 1-1-1-1-1-1-1 reps

This just in, from the Canadian Diabetes Association (thanks, Janie!)

Prevalence of Diabetes in Canada

The Model documents the dramatic increase in the prevalence of diabetes in Canada over the last decade and for the decade to come, including:

  • The number of people diagnosed with diabetes in Canada nearly doubled between 2000 and 2010, from 1.3 million to 2.5 million (a rate that climbs to more than 3 million when you include Canadians with undiagnosed diabetes);
  • Over the next decade, another 1.2 million Canadians are expected to be diagnosed with diabetes;
  • These increases push the share of the total population with diabetes from 4.2 per cent in 2000 to 7.3 per cent in 2010 to 9.9 per cent by 2020; and
  • Today nearly one in four Canadians either has diabetes or prediabetes. More than twenty people are diagnosed with the disease every hour of every day.


The Cost of Diabetes in Canada

Diabetes is not only a personal crisis for people living with the disease, it is also a tremendous financial burden for the Canadian healthcare system and society as a whole. The Canadian Diabetes Cost Model found that:

  • The economic burden of diabetes in Canada will be approximately $12.2 billion in 2010, which is an increase of $5.9 billion or nearly double its level in 2000;
  • The cost of the disease is expected to rise by another $4.7 billion by 2020; and
  • Interventions that reduce the prevalence of diabetes could significantly reduce costs.


To download the full report, please click it below:

Download FINAL_Economic_Report