I'm trying to do some real pull-ups! Also I do martial arts with SOOMA, belly and ballroom dance classes. Mountain biking at Hiawatha as much as humanly possible. Running!!
What type of WOD is my strength? Not sure…still trying to figure that out. I like kettlebells.
Where am I weakest? Thrusters and Hang Power Cleans. And, I can’t even do pull-ups, handstand pushups, and muscle ups…so those are in the work in progress category.
My greatest fitness inspiration is a woman I took Capoeira with a few years back. She was by far the best student in the class- making the acrobatics and cartwheels look breezy. I thought we were about the same age. It turned out she had two decades on me, nearing 50. I only hope that I can move so freely and powerfully someday…I’m working on it.