Five rounds for max reps of:
2/3 Body weight thruster
GREEN ARMY WOD: (1pm by punch card, proceeds to the travel fund for Ontario Sectionals 2010)
3 Rounds flying pull-ups
21 / 10 Handstand push-ups
30 KB Front squats 2 / 1.5 pood
150 meter Sand bag carry 80 / 50 lbs
20 Squat clean thrusters 135 / 95 lbs
Run 250 meters
50 Burpees
20 DB Shoulders to overhead 45 / 35 lbs
40 / 20 Push-ups (chest to easy button from staples and full extension with hands leaving the ground at the top)
Run 250 meters
50 squats
50 pull-ups (chin over the bar)
(On the Flying pull-ups, both hands must touch the bottom, both hands
must reach the top and both hands must reach the bottom before dropping
to the ground for the trip to count. Going one hand at a time is
allowed. HSPU is head touches ground to locked out. )
Scoring will be the sum of your times for the first two workouts plus half of your time for the third workout.
COACH WHIT WINS THE Element CrossFit Ontario Challenge #1!
Here's the link, and here's the video: