Today's Workout: 030811

Raidtheropes Row 1000m

50 box jumps

50 double-unders

…for time.

This was Event #3 at the 2009 Ontario CrossFit Challenge (a precursor to last year's Sectional event, and this year's Open.) It proved tough for most of the lumberjackish Northern Ontario crew – except for Ty and Whit. The cutoff was 16:00.

Right: the Green Army at Raid The Ropes. This year, Murray and his crew have something different up their sleeves: a Run 'N' Gun event.  It's in early June. Forewarned is forearmed.

Today: look for the full video of Gavin Grant's rowing seminar from the weekend on this site, and clips of Tyler's Ignite Certification Pilot over at