Today's Workout: 031211

Mountainmaplekids "Time Trials"

Within 1 hour, complete:

100 pullups for time.

500m row for time.

100 pushups for time.

400m run for time.

100 abmat situps for time.

The Mountain Maple Trail and Kids' Fun Run page is active on facebook! This was one of our favourite events last year. Picture it: start on green grass. Climb slowly through sugar maple as you wind your way around the bottom of a huge hill. At the top, be rewarded with "the orchard" – one of the untouched antique stands of apple trees that cover St. Joe Island. Then a quick descent, and a sprint across a flat lawn. Gorgeous. Then stick around and watch the Kids' Fun Run: a simple trail, led by a bright four-wheeler, with cookies at the end. Get signed up.

The Perfect Body: Olympic Athletes of various sports with their shirts off. Thanks, Carolle!