Today's Workout: 031713

Front Squat 3-3-3-3-3
200m sprint
Rest :30
4 rounds.

If you’re coming to the Park to train today, good. Hard work makes you lucky.
Stick around at noon to watch the Green Army make their attempts at the CrossFit Open second event – lovingly/swearingly referred to as “13.2.” It’s a coupla box jumps. Or stepups. Like couples jazzercise with your wife held over your head.
For competitors:
We’ll be running heats with 6-8 people in them at once. Write your name on the registration sheet at the front desk when you enter. Two minutes only between heats; be ready. Entry by punch card for those not in the Green Army, or by punch card for Green Army members making their second attempt.

Today's Workout: 031713