Today's Workout: 041010


Nefertiti.  Cleopatra.  Melanie Rose. The logical evolution of women who rule in Egypt.

Today at 9am: "Sole Survivor"

Athletes start with Thruster and continue, at a pace of one rep per two seconds, until they can no longer complete another rep. Without rest, they continue to Front Squat; upon exhaustion, they immediately commence Push press, etc.  The goal is to be the last one standing…, planking.

Exercises are in this order:

Thruster (Beginner: 45lbs; Intermediate: 55lbs; Advanced: 75lbs)

Front Squat (same weight)

Push Press (same weight)

Bodyweight Squat (from below parallel to standing)

Ring Dips (shoulder must pass below elbow, and full lockout must be reached)


Who can grit their teeth longest?

Other groups today will do the main site WOD:

Five rounds for time of:
135 pound Back squat, 20 reps
Handstand walk 20 yards