Today's Workout: 051113


Teams of two: one holding a static position, the other moving to complete the reps.

Wall ball x 100
hold a DL (185/135/95)

KB Swing x 100
handstand hold

AbMat Situps x 200
hang from a pull up bar

Row for 50 kcal
Front rack position – (95/65)

Toes to bar x 100

Today, we'll kick off our 2013 Internship Program. Five Catalyst family members who want to see the other side of the clipboard will show up at 7, and stay to train at 9 with the group. Education never stops.
Next Saturday, we'll run the first three events from Regionals 2013 (click here to see them, and select the 'Team' tab.) Want to participate? Bring your partner or team to the 9am group. Not sure what this is? No problem. Show up anyway, and we'll put you with a like-minded fun-seeker.