Deadlift 5-5-5-5-5
400m Run
30 Wall Ball
10 Burpee Pullups
3 rounds
for time.
Scott Vernelli was killed in Afghanistan in March, 2009, by an IED. He’s survived by his wife, Marcie, and their little daughter Olivia.
The Park is open from 6am-noon today! CrossFit Group at 7am ONLY.
On Saturday, we’ll be participating in the worldwide Hope for Cures initiative to raise money for St. Jude Hospital. St. Jude leads the worldwide fight against child-onset leukemia. It takes Canadian kids, even if our own system has reached the limits of its care (we have a two-transplant maximum for bone marrow in Canada. St. Jude does not.) We’ll be charging a $20 donation to participate. Register online here to pledge Catalyst, or just show up on Saturday morning!
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