Hang Power Snatch to max
3 mins max points shuttle run (10/20/30m)
Rest 3:00
3:00 max cleans (95/65)
Rest 3:00
3 mins max points shuttle run
The big move starts today with “Big Ben” being cut down and hauled to its new home. “Big Ben” was built by founding member Nick Palumbo in his auto shop on St. Joseph Island, and precariously hauled to town in two pieces. It took 4 men to tilt it onto its feet (it’s very top-heavy) and the front pullup bars weren’t added for almost a year. When we opened the Park, pullups were rarely done in workouts; some may remember jumping pullups to the “monkey bars” on Big Ben. It’s hard to say how many dozens of men and women got their first pullups on our oldest rig.
Big Ben will find a new home in the Ignite gym, where it anchor new monkey bars for kids.
Also moving today: kettlebells, some dumbbells and banners.
Thanks for your patience over the next few days! We’ll put out a call for help when we’re ready for a mass move (probably Sunday.) Thanks for many 18-hour days, the facility is almost built out; an on-time opening date will largely depend on City inspection schedules. In the meantime, drive by and see the new signs, but we don’t encourage drop-ins yet due to safety.
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