Today's Workout: 110415

White Oak WOD:
“Burpees Three Ways”
AMRAP in 7:00:
10 power cleans 135/95
10 OTB burpees
rest 3 minutes
AMRAP in 7:00:
7 Push press 115/75
7 burpee broad jumps
rest 3 minutes
AMRAP in 7:00:
5 Thrusters 95/65
5 burpee pull-ups
Downtown WOD: 
Front squat– Warm up, then: 5-4-3-2-1-1-1. Last set should be a 1 RM attempt if you are feeling good.
Then:  Complete 10-8-6-4-2 reps of the following…

  • Man maker (35#/25#)
  • Box jump (24in/20in)
  • Toes 2 bar