Hang power snatch 1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1 reps
Then: "Ella"
10 Power Snatches
10 Box Jumps
5 rounds for time.
The 1-1-1… workout is a developer for your central nervous system. Frequently ignored in its entirety by coaches and programs, the CNS is the determining factor for speed, reflexes, and muscular recruitment. Today, we develop speed in the same motion common for deadlifting, squatting, cleaning, kipping, rowing…. It's a CNS disinhibitor, so expect your weights to slowly climb and then drop. You can also expect to require a nap later….
Above: Kathleen finally gives up on possessing lower extremities. That's how a Betty does it, folks.
Tonight, Coop will be speaking at a support group for people who have had gastric bypass surgery. If you've got words of advice for addressing this group, email to chris@catalystgym.com!