Today's Workout: 111915

White Oak WOD:
Deadlift 8-8-8-8-8
Complete 8 rounds
10 KB swings (70/55)
8 lateral Box Jumps
6 burpees
Downtown WOD:
Run 800m, then 30-20-10 reps of air squat, push up.
Strength: Front squat – Warm up, then: 5-5-5-4-3-2
Work Capacity: 7 rounds, every 2 minutes perform the following…
Run 200m
Max rep burpee
*Rest 1 minute between rounds, and score is number of burpees.
SATURDAY is the Ugly Sweater Christmas Run! Meet at Mill Market to register at 9; the run begins at 10. Read more about it here.