Bench Press 10-10-10-10-10
HSPU x 1
Strict Pullup x 1
Sled Push x 1
Increase HSPU and Pullups every round.
Perform max rounds in 15:00
This is a huge weekend for the Catalyst Family!
On Saturday the 13th, we’ll have Bring-A-Buddy CrossFit at 9am. Bring any first-timer, long-timer or absentee and you get to do the group for free! Let us know who to expect by emailing
At 10am, stay for Andre Riopel’s Scapular Stability seminar. If you have shoulder pain while lifting overhead (or lowering from overhead,) or are trying to get more weight up, you need to hear this guy. This is an active seminar; be ready to MOVE.
On Sunday the 14th, it’s the 2014 SUPERMEET. Two hours to hit maxes in all your favourite lifts. Start by noon!
At 2pm, the Catalyst Toy Hack will kick off for 10 lucky kids (pre-registration required.) It will last until 3:30.
At 5pm, the “Gift Brigade” and Catalyst family potluck will begin! This is an annual tradition for ALL Catalyst family members. Bring anyone you like, and bring a dish if you can. Click here for more info or to sign up!
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