Today's a CrossFit rest day. Typically, we substitute a WOD of our choosing. Downtown at noon, MIke's doing just that:
At the Park, we will be coaching the Team WOD at 7am, noon, and 7pm. Wanna train with the Ontario Sectionals competitive team? 1pm at the Park (Coop will do it himself at 2pm! Proceeds from punchcards for the 1pm group to to travel costs for the team, yada yada….
Today's Team WOD is from the 2009 "Dirty South" Regional Qualifier:1000 Meter Row
25 OHS (135lb. Men) (95lb. Women)
100 Meter Run
50 Kettlebell Swings (53lb. Men) (35lb. Women)
100 Meter Run
25 Burpees
200 Meter Run
There is a 20 mIn time limit for this WOD.
Train at 1pm with the Catalyst 2010 Sectionals Team. Entry by punch card; proceeds go to travel expenses.
Results from the event: