The Bar Traverse was the real winner last night.
One by one, teams worked their way across the bar, over the ladder and down the wall. The pushups and squats didn’t pose much problem in the first few rounds for many, but strategy was a factor when they returned to the bars.
Luckily, the seventh team meant a minute of rest before the start of each round. Teams attempted to place their athletes in optimal spots, but were careful to have only one or two on the bars at once. The Catalyst family spirit was really on display during Miranda’s buzzer-beating run on the bars, when she carried the Mules into the third round with a swooping hand-over-hand sprint. Several teams took a moment to celebrate success on the Traverse before beginning their pushups.
Without the Traverse, the night might have gone far longer, but the hour felt like five minutes. It wasn’t the hardest metabolic challenge we’ve done so far, but the addition of two new skills (climbing and throwing) kept it intense.
A final note: athletes who tried the traverse beforehand were slow and unsure. When the clock started, they sped up, and their technique improved immensely when they were under the gun. Without time to think, they were less inhibited and much faster. This could be either good or bad, of course, but there comes a time to let your body do the thinking.
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