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CrossFit 'Lite'

When is a Bootcamp not a Bootcamp?
When it’s done at Catalyst.
Barbells can be scary if you’ve never used them before. We want you to use them eventually. But in the meantime, if it all seems too much, or if you want the metabolic effects of down-home CrossFit conditioning, CrossFit Lite is your class.
45 minutes, including a good warmup, some mobility, and having your butt handed to you. It’s bootcamp with brains: you’ll learn a bit, sweat a lot, and go home on a cloud (or on your shield. Good either way.) Use kettlebells, running, rowing, calisthenics, boxes, and rings. Get done before before dinner. We start at 6:00 sharp!
8-Week CrossFit Lite class: Tuesdays and Thursdays at 6pm (and Saturday mornings at 9!) starting June 1.
Register online here! 

Coach’s Warning: CrossFit is highly addictive. Long-term attendance at CrossFit Lite exposes exercisers to increased levels of awesomeness. CrossFit Lite is sometimes a ‘gateway drug’ for CrossFit classes and will impair long-term tolerance for elliptical trainers and cutting calories.