Results For Category: "Catalyst Blog"

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How to Survive a Heart Attack

Watching hockey at the GFL last night, I saw several parents loudly berating the referees and their own kids. In each case,…

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Metabolic Flexibility

Think of your body as a super-smart energy machine, one that uses food (like fats and carbs) as fuel. Now, being “metabolically…

preparing for a weightlifting competition

The 3 Types of Diets

When it comes to fueling your body, improving performance and manipulating body fat, there are really three levers you can pull:

What you…

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Two New PRIME Groups Start Oct 16!

If you’re an adult over 50 seeking a workout experience that goes beyond sweating it out in isolation, look no further than…

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Why OnRamp is good for everyone

Beginning your fitness journey or advancing it to the next level necessitates a solid foundation and a keen understanding of the core…

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Why Everyone Does OnRamp

At Catalyst Fitness, everyone starts with a tailored program called OnRamp. OnRamp is some 1:1 personal training sessions to teach and improve…

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What’s Burning?

Just like a car burns fuel more efficiently at certain speeds, your body burns fat most effectively in a particular “zone.” Intrigued?…


Introducing “Fitness and Health in Sault Ste. Marie” – Your Go-To Facebook Group for a Healthier You

As many of you know, my name is Chris Cooper, and I’m the proud owner of Catalyst Fitness. We have a simple…


Top 3 Exercises For Adults Over 50

The secret to staying young and vibrant isn’t in a bottle; it’s in the gym, and more specifically, in three transformative exercises:…

Elevate Your Life: September Fitness Kickstart for Busy Parents

September is the perfect time to invest in your well-being, and starting NOW beats waiting until the New Year.