Thank you.

AndrewThank you.

To the athletes who competed, every Thursday or Sunday, or both. We felt it through you.

To Cap, Esther, and sometimes Mac: thanks for taking it in the chin at 6am, just to give us a target.

To Ty, Cam, Whit, and Mel: you were tops almost every week. Thanks for showing us where to aim.

To the new kids: for pulling the trigger.

To the Henson family: for filling the heats.

To John (okay, really to Chantal) : thanks for the driving – at least 24 hours' worth in all.

To everyone else: I wish I could have cheered you each individually. The high-fives will have to suffice.

To the fans who cheered: we saw your knees dip when we were doing our thrusters. We heard you when we gripped the bar. It helped. Thank you.

To Parnzy – we wouldn't remember a second of it without you.

To Ted and Carolle, who volunteered as judges EVERY time. Hope we weren't as tough on you as we were on ourselves.

To Orrie – for my #101 on 12.1.

To Robin – for giving up 5 consecutive weeks of evenings to writing, Sunday to refereeing, and her peace to my pacing.

To Avery – for asking if I was competing again tomorrow. Yes, I will.

Thank you all. I'm incredibly lucky.