Today's Workout: 031811

Khalipa Overhead squat 1-1-1-1-1 reps
Front squat 1-1-1-1-1 reps
Back squat 1-1-1-1-1 reps

Spent the first 20 minutes of today hitting 'VALIDATE' on Green Army scores for CrossFit Games WOD #1. I'm sure, like me, that everyone on that team feels validated today….with one or two exceptions. As Palumbo said, before her final bar hit the floor: "See you Sunday."

Right: Jason Khalipa, now ranked 9th in the world after WOD #1. He's still gonna win,but first, he took the time to send us 2 autographed t-shirts for Murph tomorrow!

Fans: thanks for showing up and cheering. Jess King: thanks for re-enlisting. Ty and Cam: thanks for setting a ridiculous bar. Today, my traps hurt; my calves are cramped; but as they both agreed, I couldn't possibly have pushed harder. I'm satisfied. Middle-of-the-pack in CrossFit is still pretty damn near the best anywhere else.

TOMORROW, though, is a different story. Tomorrow is about the tradition of sweat, and the self-validation of the Family. You may not consider yourself an 'athlete' when you start Murph, but you'll go to bed as a competitor on Saturday night. Flights are set; cages are moved around; just waiting for the bell. For most, the countdown starts from 10,9,8….but for some of you, it starts from now: 24 hours, 46 minutes, 16 seconds…15 seconds….14…. to those, I'm already applauding. You're going to win, and you don't realize it yet. The Timids and SuperTimids are going to get the biggest cheers when they finish…and I hope they all stick around until noon to watch the more 'competitive' heats.