Aryanna Henson: The Quiet Storm

Aryanna followed her older sister (coach Charity) and her mom to CrossFit, but is now carving her own path. A seventeen-year-old with a 350lbs deadlift, Aryanna is humble, but her accomplishments speak for her.

I heard about CrossFit when my Mom’s friend told us about it. I was interested in trying it out because I wanted to become a healthier person. In the first year I didn’t really enjoy CF; a lot of the time I would find excuses to not go because I wasn’tinterested in physical activity. My Mom would still try to make me go even if Ididn’t want to. My sister Charity was trying to get my cousin Kayla to come with us. I made a deal with Kayla: if she would go, I would go. I got hooked on CrossFit when I went back.
I’m working on becoming a better athlete in CrossFit. I’m in Green Army training and I know that this is helping me to become a more competitive CrossFit athlete. I’m also working on building better cardio. I’m trying to push myself to the point where I won’t slow down when a WOD is getting exhausting, but will push myself to keep going.
I will be doing the Open this year. I hope that there is a heavy lifting WOD. I think that my best CrossFit memory was when I tried last year’s open WOD with the snatch ladder, I got a score of 70 with ten of those being 100lbs. I was only 16 years old.