originally heard about CrossFit when I was living in Ottawa. At that time
though it seemed like a thing only meant for hardcore athletes and those that
were already extremely fit (I remember hearing about how it was the kind of
thing that Navy Seals do). It wasn't until I moved back to the Sault that
my CrossFit education truly began. I work with fellow CrossFitter Andrew
Oliver, and it is through him that my perspective changed. I would hear
him talk about all the different types of things that he was doing; cleans,
snatches, thrusters, etc, and wonder, "What ARE all of
those?!". The best part of hearing about it through him was the
undercurrent of satisfaction/contentment in his voice at rising to meet the
challenges that he was facing, or in attempting to meet them. It was then
that I knew that I had to try CrossFit for myself; no more with the daily
monotony of curls, treadmills, and machines.
first started at Catalyst in June of last year (2012) during Baseline week.
Before I even started my first workout ("Grace") I saw on the website
the kind of difference I would be seeing between what I was used to and what I
would be facing. Chris had posted an Output Calculator that showed the
difference between a typical workout and a CrossFit workout. The
difference blew my mind. Before I even got to Grace I was drenched from
the so-called "warm up", and wondered if I would be able to get
through the ACTUAL workout. Needless to say I made it through, and
continue to do so to this day.
at the moment I am mainly just working on my overall conditioning and
breathing. Besides that I will be working on getting ring muscle-ups, and
working towards strict handstand push-ups.
This year will be my first Open. I look
forward to it with more than a little trepidation, but it should be fun
don't think I could pick just one "best" memory for CrossFit.
Every day that I come in I either accomplish something for myself or I witness
others doing the same. I have become an addict, and CrossFit is my