CatalystJune13 8312 zpsa3fa780d

Daily Catalyst: 101424

Aerobic (Zone 2) Block:
20-Minute AMRAP (As Many Rounds As Possible):
30 seconds of High Knee Marching (focus on controlled movement and breathing)
10 Slow Air Squats (focus on smooth, steady movement)
20 seconds Plank Hold (steady breathing, engage core)
5 Step-Back Lunges (each leg, slow and controlled)
100m Walk or 1-minute March in place (at a slow, conversational pace)
Focus: Keep each movement steady and smooth, focusing on nasal breathing to stay in Zone 2. You can adjust the pace to make sure you’re able to control your breathing the entire time.
Focus: Keep each movement steady and smooth, focusing on nasal breathing to stay in Zone 2. You can adjust the pace to make sure you’re able to control your breathing the entire time.

Happy Thanksgiving!

Our Golden Habits Challenge Starts November 1!!! SIGN UP HERE.