Whitney is a person we love having around. She was one of the first CrossFitters in town, and she learned at our side. She's a consistent top-level athlete, but that's not her most important attribute.
Likewise, Catalyst is renowned worldwide – that's not an exaggeration. Ask around. – as one of the best family-oriented, community-based gyms in the world. SweatRx named us one of the Top 10 Gyms in North America last year not because we went to the Games, but because we're forthright, upright, and make-it-right.
When, in January, Whit and I spoke about her competing for the Team, we knew that the rules had changed. Yes, she trained here the majority of the time in 2012, choosing to train at home in Searchmont because….home is in Searchmont. It's the winter. She's building a home there with JMac.
She's training in her garage most of the time. She IS still a Catalyst member in good standing, and when we read the section on eligibility, it appeared that Whitney was able to contribute to the Catalyst Team. We agreed that she wouldn't take a spot on any potential Regionals team, but would compete as an Individual if she qualified.
On Sunday evening, we realized (thanks, Kath) that this was not the case.
Subsection h) in the code of elibility spells out the math: Whit's scores shouldn't be recognized as part of our Team. She's doing well, and may qualify as an Individual. If she does, we hope she wears a Catalyst shirt. But she can't get us there.
The decision to remove Whit's scores from the Green Army team was hard – for a second, because they were some of our best. But it was also easy, because we were clearly in the wrong. She and I BOTH wanted to act immediately rather than cause any embarrassment for the gym.
In the end, if we make it, we'll go to Regionals as a cohesive team, working together without petty rivalry. Our pride will come from consistently doing the BEST thing, which may not always be reflected in our team's score. Whit meant no harm; I meant no foul. I'm proud of our team for supporting one another, not for dominating any leaderboard.
Train on. Two weeks left.