Before you get your first coffee, eat breakfast, or do anything else, today is Live Like An Athlete week. The first challenge:
5 minutes of challenging exercise (must induce sweating)
1 big glass of water.
Sample ‘WakeUp WOD’ (choose one):
10 pushups / 10 situps / 10 squats / 10 hollow rocks – 4 rounds, not timed
20 Sun Salutations
Today’s Workout:
2 deadlifts, 1 hang squat clean – 10 rounds
Then, for time:
50 Ring dips
115 pound Squat clean, 50 reps
50 Ring dips
This will not be easy. It WILL be worth it.
Performing two good deadlifts before the hang squat clean is a cueing technique: a preload of the hamstrings and glutes will encourage preferential recruitment in the fast pull of the clean. Make sure you ‘feel’ the posterior chain in both deadlifts, and think about that same feeling during the pull of the clean. For most people, standing the weight back up will still be the toughest part; but if you fail, fail well: make the catch nicely. If we took a picture of you catching a PR lift, and catching a light weight, the picture should be as close to the same as possible. While we’re attempting to make you impervious to injury, we don’t add load to bad positions with regularity. Use the cue to help your pull, but practice your catch. You don’t have to go to a max on the strength portion today, but choose a weight that makes you think about it first.
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