40 of 63 participants are first-timers. There's going to be some anxiety today, for sure! But know this: the waiting is the hard part. As soon as you hear, "3,2,1….go!" on Saturday morning, your scattered brain will instantly focus like a laser. The weather forecast is for clear skies and gorgeous sun….later groups will definitely enjoy a nice second run!
It may be tempting, today, to 'try' Murph; to dabble. Just a bit. This is akin to eating a jar of pickles before a pickle-eating contest, just to see if you can do it. You CAN do it. The hard work's done already. You'll be fine (yes, you know I'm talking to YOU here!)
Team WOD today:
WOD 1 (20 minute time limit):
For time:
750m row
100m Farmers Carry, 48kg (32kg)
50kg (35kg) Snatch, 15 reps
100m Farmers Carry, 48kg (32kg)
50kg (35kg) Snatch, 12 reps
100m Farmers Carry, 48kg (32kg)
50kg (35kg) Snatch, 9 reps
100m Farmers Carry, 48kg (32kg)
….just for fun. See you tomorrow! Don't forget your cameras!