Today's Workout: 031611

Campfire 1 mile run

50 front squats – 65lbs

800m run

40 overhead squats – 65lbs

400m run

30 bodyweight squats

…for time.

AND the first event of the CrossFit Open IS……

….really promising for the Green Army! Woo hoo! First flights will be judged starting at 5:45pm tomorrow night; come cheer, or do the WOD yourself at 7pm!

The History Of The CrossFit Games – watch! Awesome!

Right: the nervous nellies gather 'round the ol' campfire last night. Whitney hit 'refresh 3028 times in 60 minutes….where do we post that score?

Yes, even the elite get nervous (ask Michele Irwin.) If YOU'RE nervous about Murph, don't be: we have special flights for the Timids (8am AND 7am now.) Heats will be out today. Stay tuned….